How do I cancel out an entire (mini-vac) package?
Vac-Leg- Using the cancel option will cancel the active record for this lead's vac-leg. This will not cancel the tour. If you need to reschedule or cancel a tour you must go into the tour option for lead and put a "C" in the Qualified (QNB): field.
After selecting Cancel a window will come up of the active legs available to cancel. Select one of the items to cancel. The system will ask you if it is a reschedule (at the same venue!). If this is a change of date then answer yes to the reschedule. If it is a change of venue (hotel or theater or park) then answer NO and then add the new reservation for the new park after finishing the cancels.
You can cancel one or all the legs. Cancel them one at a time.
This is from Magnoogle at:
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